Dynamic Stress Concentration in Strip Plate with Fillet

Autor: Hiroyuku Takeishi, Noboru Nakayama, Masahiko Ohashi
Rok vydání: 1998
Zdroj: JSME International Journal Series A. 41:326-331
ISSN: 1347-5363
Popis: A method of measuring the maximum dynamic stress concentration factor αDmax in a fillet has not yet established. The reflection and transmission of stress wave during the propagation through a fillet result in complex stress states. We propose a new method for analyzing the maximum dynamic stress concentration factor αDmax in a fillet utilizing the stress concentration factor αS and the reflection coefficient A obtained by a strain gauge on the incident strip plate. In this experiment, a square wave(a stress wave with a plateau of constant stress for long duration)is used. A strain gauge measures the reflection coefficient A. The factor αDmax in the fillet is analyzed using a dynamic photoelastic method. It is confirmed that αDmax is approximated by the following equation:αexDmax=(1+A)αS. As a result, the maximum dynamic stress concentration factor is obtained experimentally using the static stress concentration factor and the reflection coefficient.
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