Spanish Marine National Parks: Priority areas for the conservation of a vulnerable family of fishes

Autor: Rodolfo Barreiro, Marcos Regueira, Miquel Planas Oliver, Javier Cremades, Jorge Hernández-Urcera, Jorge Terrados, Manuel Enrique García, Inés Castejón-Silvo, Miguel Ángel Nombela, Carmen Bouza, Belén G. Pardo, Manuel Vera, Alexandro Chamorro, Beatriz Morales-Nin, Cristina Piñeiro-Corbeira, Irene Alejo, Verónica Ochoa, Ignacio Bárbara, Viviana Peña, Pilar Díaz
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: Background: Syngnathid fishes (Actinopterygii, Syngnathidae) are flagship species highly associated to seaweed and seagrass habitats of marine ecosystems biodiversity. Seahorses and pipefish are highly vulnerable to anthropogenic and environmental disturbances, but most species are currently Data Defficient by IUCN (IUCN, 2019), requiring more biological and ecological research. This study provides the first insights on syngnathid populations in two Spanish National Parks (PNIA –Atlantic- and PNAC –Mediterranean-). Fish were collected periodically, marked, morphologically identified, analyzed for size, weight, gender and sexual maturity, and sampled for further stable isotope and genetic identification. Due the scarcity of previous information, habitat characteristics were also assessed in PNIA. Results: Syngnathid diversity and abundances were low, with two species identified in PNIA ( Hippocampus guttulatus and Syngnathus acus ) and four in PNAC ( S. abaster , S. acus , S. typhle and Nerophis maculatus ). Syngnathids from both NPs differed isotopically, with much lower δ15 N in PNAC. The dominant species were S. abaster in PNAC and particularly S. acus in PNIA. Syngnathids preferred less exposed sites in macroalgal assemblages in PNIA and Cymodocea meadows in PNAC. In S. acus from PNIA, the occurrence of very large specimens, the absence of small-medium sizes and the isotopic comparison with a nearby population suggest that the population is mainly founded by breeders that migrate seasonally. Novel 16S rDNA haplotypes and sequence variants were detected for Hippocampus guttulatus , N. maculatus , S. acus, and S. abaster . Our data suggest the presence of a cryptic Syngnathus species in PNAC, Conclusions: This is the first multidisciplinary approach to the study of syngnathids in Spanish marine NPs. Habitat preferences and population characteristics in both NPs differed. Further studies are needed to assess potential misidentifications of Syngnathus genus in PNAC, and migratory events in PNIA. We propose several preferential sites in both NPs for future monitoring of syngnathid populations and some recommendations to undertake.
Databáze: OpenAIRE