Elastically coupled ferromagnetic and ferroelectric microparticles: New multiferroic materials based on polymer, NdFeB and PZT particles

Autor: O. V. Malyshkina, N. S. Perov, Alexander Omelyanchik, Valeria Rodionova, L.A. Makarova, Yu. A. Alekhina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 470:89-92
ISSN: 0304-8853
Popis: The multiferroic materials are multifunctional materials which combine elastic, magnetic and electric properties. New multiferroic materials, namely, multiferroic elastomers, or MfEs, on the basis of polymer matrix with both ferromagnetic (FM) NdFeB and ferroelectric (FE) PZT microparticles were investigated in the work. The magnetoelectric transformation was obtained for the three-phases samples and was investigated for MfEs with different ratios and concentrations of FM and FE particles. Displacement of the first type of particles under external field certainly leads to displacement of the second type of particles – this effect we define as elastic coupling between FM and FE particles. Modeling of the mutual displacements of FE and FM particles in elastic medium in external electric or/and magnetic fields was carried out.
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