Reducing Situation Awareness Errors in Air Traffic Control

Autor: Debra G Jones
Rok vydání: 1997
Zdroj: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. 41:230-233
ISSN: 1071-1813
Popis: Since situation awareness (SA) is vital to the decision process, SA errors can degrade decision making. Many SA errors occur when all the relevant information has been correctly perceived. In these cases, the information's significance is not comprehended, and a representational error occurs. Schema influence this comprehension aspect of SA. This study investigates the impact of information with certain schema related characteristics on SA: (1) schema bizarre information will impact SA more than schema irrelevant information, and (2) schema unexpected information will impact SA more than the absence of schema expected information. Using a high fidelity air traffic control simulation, misinformation was provided to the controller and schema related cues were furnished to indicate the error. The results indicated that (1) schema bizarre cues impacted SA more than schema irrelevant cues and (2) no difference existed between the impact of the absence of schema expected cues and schema unexpected cues. Additionally the results emphasize the difficulty incurred when trying to prevent SA errors.
Databáze: OpenAIRE