Acute Presentation of Vascular Lesions in the Orbit

Autor: David H. Verity, Geoffrey E. Rose, Usha R. Kim
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Emergencies of the Orbit and Adnexa ISBN: 9788132218067
Popis: Orbital vascular disease can present acutely and, if untreated, may lead to raised orbital pressure, reduced arterial perfusion and consequent loss of visual function. Although haemorrhage is the commonest orbital vascular event, acute presentation of arteriovenous shunts and rarely intraorbital vascular occlusions can also occur. In most cases, the probable aetiology can be deduced from the clinical history and examination, and after appropriate imaging, the patient can safely be monitored for progression. High pressure at the orbital apex can, however, result in ischaemic optic neuropathy, and any evidence for progression or persistence of severe visual impairment should prompt urgent intervention.
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