Prostaglandins Modulate Human Gallbladder Motility

Autor: A. S. Clanachan, H. P. Baer, C. Kotwall, F. Lennon, G. W. Scott
Rok vydání: 1984
Zdroj: Gastrointestinal Motility ISBN: 9789401093545
Popis: The effects of prostaglandins (PGs) and related substances on gallbladder motility have been studied in several species. They produce concentration-dependent contractions of guinea-pig(1) and cat(2) gallbladder muscle. Responses of dog gallbladder are variable but concentration-dependent contractions occur after incubation of tissues in indomethacin(3), which inhibits the synthesis of PGs. Wood et al.(4) found that human gallbladder muscle, obtained from patients undergoing cholecystectomy, responded irregularly and only to high concentrations of PGs. This was also our initial experience, but we then found that a large part of the variability of responses could be related to the method of collecting the specimens from the operating room, the severity of the inflammatory and degenerative processes in the gallbladders and presumably to the level of endogenous production of PG-like substances. These factors were taken into account and controlled as far as possible in the present study.
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