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В статье представлены результаты анализа условий концессионных соглашений в сфере транспорта, ЖКХ, экологии и социальных услуг, на предмет наличия и полноты инструментов снижения рисков неисполнения обязательств партнеров, снятия ограничений для участия бизнеса, включая модели возвратности инвестиций. По результатам исследования определены механизмы, позволяющие снизить асимметрию преимуществ и рисков участников концессий. This paper presents the research results on the structure and terms of the concession contracts between the public and private sectors in the field of transport, housing and utilities, ecology, education and healthcare. The main limiting factor for developing the Public – Private Partnership (PPP) for the public partner is the risk of the investors failure to fulfill the obligations to finance the projects, the main risk for the private partner is associated with low return on the investments. The feasibility of the project budget financing has been assessed. The typical structure of the concession agreements has been analyzed. The proposals have been made for developing credit, insurance and guarantee instruments to reduce the asymmetry of benefits and risks. |