Evaluation of ability to regenerate oscillation energy by the suspension system of a two-axle truck

Autor: R. R. Malikov, A. A. Smirnov, A. V. Klimov
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 10:42-49
ISSN: 2074-0530
Popis: One of the challenges that currently face manufacturers of electric vehicles is the development of an effective energy source. Currently, the main independent source of energy of electric vehicle is an electric traction battery of chemical type, but due to its low intensity, it cannot provide long mileage without recharging. The article describes a method of improving vehicles ' energy efficiency through energy recovery oscillations of the suspension system when driving on uneven road surface. To convert the mechanical energy of vibrations into electrical, the leading manufacturers of the world are developing special regenerative shock absorbers. The article describes the design of such absorbers designed by companies Audi and ZF. For quantitative evaluation of vibrational energy that is potentially possible to convert to electric we used a simulation mathematical model of motion of two-axle vehicle on ridges, implemented in the simulation package MATLAB/Simulink. As inputs in the model was used the implementation of random road profiles that were obtained by the method of forming a filter by known from the literature the spectral characteristics of the irregularities for different types of roads. As a result of the mathematical model of computational experiments, it was determined the amount of dissipation in the suspension system energy when the vehicle is moving with different speed on different road types. Also for comparison was determined the energy spent by the vehicle at different speeds on the road with asphalt. The comparison of the obtained energy values allows to make a conclusion about prospects of application of energy recovery oscillations of the suspension system especially for vehicles capable of high speeds on dirt roads.
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