Cyttaria espinosae . [Descriptions of Fungi and Bacteria]

Autor: null UK, CAB International, I. J. Gamundí, D. W. Minter
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Descriptions of Fungi and Bacteria. 160
ISSN: 2514-5606
DOI: 10.1079/dfb/20056401593
Popis: A description is provided for Cyttaria espinosae . Information is included on the disease caused by the organism, its transmission, geographical distribution, and hosts. DISEASE: A highly evolved and highly specific obligate parasite causing often spectacular cankers only on branches of Nothofagus species. Fruitbodies only appear on the cankers; this fungus does not cause wood decay. HOSTS: Nothofagus dombeyi, N. glauca, N. obliqua, N. obliqua var. macrocarpa, N. nervosa ( Fagaceae ) [old fallen fruitbodies have also been recorded on litter and soil; almost 70% of all records are from N. obliqua ]. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: SOUTH AMERICA: Argentina (Neuquén); Chile (La Araucanía, Los Lagos, Santiago de Chile, Bío-Bío, Maule). Highest recorded altitude: 300 m. This species has a more northerly distribution than other Latin American species. TRANSMISSION: Not known, but presumably infection is by wind-dispersed ascospores. INGOLD (1988) elegantly postulated that the pitted surface of fruitbodies of Cyttaria espinosae evolved not only to maximize hymenial surface area but also, by causing localized air turbulence in their windy environment, to assist ascospore dispersal by preventing build-up of a layer of static air immediately adjacent to the fruitbody surface, functioning in a similar way to the pits of golf balls.
Databáze: OpenAIRE