Autor: A. N. Tal'nov, S. S. Strafun, S. G. Serenko, D. A. Vasilenko, Alexander I. Kostyukov
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: Neurophysiology. 33:53-62
ISSN: 0090-2977
Popis: Relations between the kinematic parameters of slow (non-ballistic) targeted extension movements in the elbow joint of humans and characteristics of the movement-related EMG activity in the two heads of the m. triceps brachii were analyzed. Test movements were performed under conditions of application of non-inertional external loadings directed toward flexion. It was shown that the movement-related EMG activity of the elbow extensors, similarly to what was observed in the flexors at flexion movements with the same parameters, demonstrates a complex structure and includes dynamic and stationary phases. In the former phase, in turn, initial and main components can be differentiated. The rising edge and decay of the main component of the dynamic extensor EMG phase could be approximated by exponential functions; this component was never split into a few subcomponents. Dependences between the amplitudes of m. triceps brachii EMG phases and the amplitude of the movement (or external loading) were, as a rule, nonlinear but monotonic. An increase in the test movement velocity led to an increase in the rate of rise of the rising edge of the dynamic EMG phase, while an increment in the amplitude was less significant. Under the used test conditions, the activity of the elbow extensors was usually accompanied by some coactivation of the antagonists (m. biceps brachii). It is concluded that motor commands coming to the elbow extensors at performance of the extension test movements differ from motor commands to the flexors at analogous flexion test movements by a simpler structure and more tonic pattern. Biomechanical specificities of fixation of the mentioned muscle groups to the arm bones (stability of the moment for application of the extensor force under conditions of changing the joint angle vs variable moment of the flexor force) are considered one of the main reasons for such specificity of the patterns of the extensor and flexor motor commands.
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