Effect of Selective Thermomagnetic Treatment on Unidirectional Magnetic Anisotropy in FeNi/TbCo Films

Autor: V. O. Vas’kovskiy, K. G. Balymov, N. A. Kulesh, A. S. Bolyachkin, O. A. Adanakova, A. P. Turygin, E. V. Kudyukov
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Physics of Metals and Metallography. 119:923-926
ISSN: 1555-6190
Popis: The effect of selective thermomagnetic treatment on the exchange interaction between magnetic layers in Fe11Ni89/Tb30Co70/Ti films has been investigated. Dependencies of the exchange bias field induced in the Fe11Ni89 layer on the annealing temperature have been obtained and interpreted. We consider structural modifications of the interface and stress-relaxation processes in the Fe11Ni89 layer to be the main reasons for the observed modifications of hysteresis properties.
Databáze: OpenAIRE