Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.24412/1993-8780-2022-2-18-22
Popis: Показана неадекватность применения традиционного понятия «экономический эффект» в рыночных условиях. Предложен критерий результативности APQP-проекта - прибыльность производственной системы проекта
We believe that in a market economy, the development prospects of a car company are determined by the ability to launch APQP projects to prepare for the production of new components. At the same time, the enterprise assumes all responsibility for planning sales volumes, forecasting price changes. Many managers react only to the facts of losses detection and seek to eliminate them promptly. However, losses are the result of errors in the production preparation. The more they are allowed, the higher the probability of non-conformities appearing soon after the start of deliveries. As an integrated performance indicator of the production system of the APQP project, we propose to use the degree (coefficient) of its profitability. No stage of production, supply and service should lead to the loss of planned income. The closer the value of the coefficient to 1, the more effective the implementation of the project, the higher the effectiveness of project management. This is especially important for enterprises that do not have financial assistance from the state.
Databáze: OpenAIRE