A Study of Antiferromagnetic Ordering in β-FeF3·3H2O by the Use of the NMR Method

Autor: V. N. Ikorsky, A. A. Matsutsyn, S. P. Habuda
Rok vydání: 1969
Zdroj: Spectroscopy Letters. 2:339-346
ISSN: 1532-2289
DOI: 10.1080/00387016908050220
Popis: The present work cites the investigation results of local magnetic fields on 1H and 19F nuclei and spin ordering in β-FeF3·3H2O. In the structure of this compound (space group P42/n, a=7.846 A, c=7.754 A, z=41,2) Fe atoms are bonded via bridged F atoms (1) in infinite chains along the /001/ axis. With such positioning, in which two paramagnetic atoms are separated by a diamagnetic atom (F, O, C1 and others) there is a possibility for indirect (superexchange) interaction. Linear chains … Fe - F - Fe - F - Fe - F … are separated from each other by F(2) atoms and water molecules H2O (1) and H2O (2), so that exchange between neighboring Fe atoms from various chains is ostensibly much encumbered.
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