Networking Tools and Information Models—Selected Manufacturing Examples Applying Concurrency Principles and Novel Units’ Properties

Autor: Hermann Kühnle, Günter Bitsch
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing ISBN: 9783319180779
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-18078-6_6
Popis: Selected Distributed Manufacturing examples from different industry sectors fully verify the theory as well as the principles with the tools. as proposed, and offer valuable sidelines for identifying gaps and obstacles on the way to smart Distributed Manufacturing. All generics, models and instruments may be visualised and configured to describe the case specific context in a catchable way. The outlined cases take deferring approaches to Distributed Manufacturing and to the respective network decisions, as their context and maturity profiles clearly exhibit. Revolving decision cycles are implemented on several levels of detail; on the task level with control loops for tool/material interactions, on the company level as alternative routing options. First experiences with thorough KPI evaluations in pilot areas signalise striking effects that are realised on the base of real time data, smart properties, network principles and hybrid decision procedures, as suggested. Unattended lessons learned as well as a solid outlook onto important managerial implications are given, which the upcoming smart Distributed Manufacturing era is expected to unwrap. The skills of the Digital Native will steadily gain importance: Man-Machine decisions and direct interactions, involving specific decision patterns and advanced bottom-up artificial intelligence, will grow up to decisive production factors. Body area networks and wireless IP connections will give different and non-habitual roles to humans in manufacturing value creation.
Databáze: OpenAIRE