The Evidence of Scientific Analysis: A Case Study of the Nimrud Bowls

Autor: J.E. Curtis, M.N. Leese, J.R.S. Lang, M.J. Hughes
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Bronzeworking Centres of Western Asia c. 1000-539 B.C. ISBN: 9781315788456
Popis: A complete catalogue of all the Nimrud bowls is now in course of preparation and will include the results of an analytical and metallurgical investigation of the bowls by the British Museum Research Laboratory. The method of shaping the bowls and working the designs was the same for both the handled bowls and the rest of the Nimrud bowls. Some indication of the method of making the rivets was obtained by making a detailed metallurgical examination of a rivet from one of the bowls. Statistical tests were also carried out on the concentrations of minor elements using the multivariate technique of discriminant analysis, which allows one to compare the results for several elements between groups of objects simultaneously. The results of such scientific work can be illustrated by taking as a case study bronzes from the excavations of Austin Henry Layard at Nimrud in Northern Iraq.
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