Atherosclerotic Plaque Characterization in Humans with ARFI Variance of Acceleration: Blinded Reader Study

Autor: Carlos A. Zamora, J. Ashley Ezzell, Keerthi Anand, Gabriela Torres, Benjamin Y. Huang, Sheng-Che Hung, Caterina M. Gallippi, Ellie R. Lee, Mark A. Farber, Elizabeth P. Merricks, Melissa C. Caughey, Jonathon W. Homeister
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: 2021 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS).
Popis: Stroke is commonly caused by thromboembolic events originating from atherosclerotic plaques in the carotid vasculature. To improve stroke risk prediction by delineating vulnerable plaque features, our group has developed ARFI Variance of Acceleration log(VoA) imaging. We herein evaluate the ability of trained, blinded readers to interpret in vivo ARFI log(VoA) images of human carotid plaques, with validation by matched histology. Patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy were imaged using a Siemens S3000 and a 9L4 transducer. From 21 plaques, one was excluded due to specimen damage during surgery. Parametric 2D images of ARFI log(VoA) were rendered and evaluated by 3 neuroradiologists, 1 abdominal radiologist, 1 sonographer, and 1 pathologist, all blinded to the histological gold standard. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was performed, and area under the curve (AUC) was taken as a metric of performance for detecting lipid-rich necrotic core (LRNC), intraplaque hemorrhage (IPH), collagen (COL), and calcium (CAL). Reader log(VoA) outcomes were compared to those achieved using ARFI peak displacement (PD) in a comparable prior study. Average AUC performance for plaque features were as follows: CAL, 0.77; COL, 0.76; LRNC, 0.79; IPH, 0.82. Grouping the stiff (COL and CAL) and soft (LRNC and IPH) features together increased average AUCs to 0.86 for stiff and 0.87 for soft. These log(VoA) AUC outcomes were higher than those achieved by blinded readers evaluating ARFI PD images. This study shows the relevance of ARFI log(VoA) imaging, as interpreted by trained, blinded readers, to delineating the structure and composition of carotid atherosclerotic plaque in humans, in vivo.
Databáze: OpenAIRE