Acupuncture in the Emergency Management of Painful Conditions

Autor: Jonathan Glauser, Sarah Money, Maya Myslenski
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Current Emergency and Hospital Medicine Reports. 7:196-202
ISSN: 2167-4884
Popis: A high percentage of patients present to the emergency department for management of painful conditions. It is in society’s interest to provide pain relief without contributing to the ongoing opioid crisis. Acupuncture is an ancient therapy dating from more than 4000 years. It has not historically been shown in rigorous duplicated studies to be effective in the management of acutely painful conditions. More recent literature has shown its promise in the treatment of a variety of defined and common complaints. Nonopioid treatment options for management of moderate to severe acute pain in the emergency department are limited. Recent reports and comparative studies utilizing acupuncture show promise for the emergency care of acute painful conditions.
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