Reviews: The Routines of Politics, The Analysis of Political Cleavages, Patterns of Dominance, The Higher Civil Service in Britain, Town and Country Planning in England and Wales, Politische Bildung in England 1939–1965, The Teaching of Politics, The Radical Tradition in Welsh Politics: A Study of Liberal and Labour Politics in Gwynedd, 1900–1920, Politics in Modern Greece, French Politicians and Elections, 1951–1969, Wars, Plots and Scandals in Post-War France, The French Socialists in Search of a Role, The Making of the Soviet State Apparatus, The Politics of Survival: The Conservative Party of Canada, 1939–1945, Problems of Political Philosophy, Voluntary Associations: Nomos XI, Representation, Die Neue Wissenschaft Des Thomas Hobbes: Zu Den Grundlagen Der Politischen Philosophie Der Neuzeit, Ethical Naturalism: Hobbes and Hume, The Enlightenment: An Interpretation, Volume II, The Science of Freedom, Freud: Political and Social Thought, The Insurrectionists, the Origins of Socialism, the Social and Political Thought of the Labour Party, Che. Selected Works of Ernesto Guevara, Philosophies Du Droit Anglaises Et Americaines Et Divers Essais. Archives De Philosophie Du Droit Tome XV, Analysing Foreign Policy, Essays in Politics and International Politics and International Relations, L'Election Presidentielle De Decembre 1965

Autor: N. T. Boaden, Norman Schofield, Peter Lyon, D. N. Chester, Evelyn Sharp, R. B. Tilford, Kenneth O. Morgan, C. H. Dodd, Malcolm Anderson, D. J. R. Scott, J. R. Mallory, Dorothy Emmet, Jack Lively, Geraint Parry, M. M. Goldsmith, John Day, Robert Stuart Short, F. F. Ridley, Robert Kilroy-Silk, Leslie J. Macfarlane, J. Martinez Alier, Charles Vereker, P. A. Reynolds, Ieuan O. John, Michael Steed
Rok vydání: 1971
Zdroj: Political Studies. 19:231-267
ISSN: 1467-9248
Databáze: OpenAIRE