Chapter 66 Mid-Ediacaran ice-rafting in the Adelaide Geosyncline and Officer Basin, South Australia

Autor: George E. Williams, Lynn J. Webster, Victor A. Gostin, David M. McKirdy
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Geological Society, London, Memoirs. 36:673-676
ISSN: 2041-4722
Popis: Sedimentary features characteristic of ice-rafting are present in the Bunyeroo Formation (Wilpena Group) of the Adelaide Geosyncline and in the coeval Dey Dey Mudstone (Ungoolya Group) of the eastern Officer Basin (Figs 66.1 & 66.2), providing evidence of a mid-Ediacaran glacial climate in South Australia. The Acraman asteroid impact, a negative shift in marine δ 13 C, and a major acritarch turnover coincided with this frigid epoch.
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