Changes in foraging and predator avoidance behavior of Japanese dace (Pseudaspius hakonensis) to predation risk by invasive smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) in a Japanese lake

Autor: Miles I. Peterson, Satoshi Kitano
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Environmental Biology of Fishes. 104:1381-1389
ISSN: 1573-5133
Popis: Japanese dace (Pseudaspius hakonensis) foraging and predator avoidance behaviors were studied in dace schools with and without vicinity predators in Lake Nojiri, Nagano Japan. Dace and invasive smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu), which were the only predator observed, were found interacting in shallow habitat along the shoreline. Dace exhibited remarkably different total foraging, foraging modes, and predator avoidance behavior when smallmouth bass were in vicinity. Total foraging was significantly reduced, foraging mode shifted from predominantly benthic foraging to water column foraging, and dace schooled tighter indicated by a significant decrease in nearest neighbor distance and increase in neighbor alignment. These findings show that in Lake Nojiri, dace recognize smallmouth bass as a predator and utilize predator avoidance behaviors. However, the severely decreased total dace foraging when smallmouth bass are in vicinity indicates that even when direct predation is avoided, the indirect effects of reduced foraging and heightened vigilance likely negatively impact dace growth and survival.
Databáze: OpenAIRE