WISH2 WP2 Wave 1 analysis of survey data

Autor: Lee, Daniel, Hocking, Lucy, Morley, Katherine I., Bousfield, Jennifer, Saunders, Catherine L, Hofman, Joanna
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.17605/osf.io/hdq28
Popis: WISH2 is a mixed-methods longitudinal project designed to explore the mental health and wellbeing (MHW) impacts of HS2 Phase 2 across 6 work-packages: the development of a framework (WP1), a longitudinal survey of mental wellbeing, social inclusion and health-related behaviours (WP2), interviews and focus groups exploring change and adaptation (WP3), analysis of existing data sources to explore community-level trends over time (WP4), health economic evaluation of the MHW effects of HS2 (WP5), and the integration of results and incorporation of stakeholder feedback (WP6). This will involve three rounds of data collection during the 10-year study period. The full project is pre-registered at ISRCTN (doi.org/10.1186/ISRCTN58916738). This protocol describes the initial analyses being undertaken as part of WP2 (survey) at the first stage of data collection (Wave 1).
Databáze: OpenAIRE