Pulmonary nail embolus after penetrating cardiac injury

Autor: Ilgaz Dogusoy, Recep Ustaalioglu, Hatice Demirbag, Mehmet Yildirim, Fikri Yapici
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 22:867-869
ISSN: 1301-5680
Popis: Penetran civi yaralanmalari kaza ile olabilir ve civi nedeni ile olusan penetran kalp yaralanmalari seyrektir. Kalbe yerlesen yabanci cisimleri ameliyat esnasinda bulmak yabanci cismin hareketi nedeni ile zor olabilir. Otuz dort yasinda insaat iscisi civi ile kaza eseri yaralanma oykusu ile acil servise getirildi. Transtorasik ekokardiyografisinde tamponad olusturan perikardiyal efuzyon goruldu. Median sternotomi ile acil ameliyat uygulandi. Kalp ve sag akciger dahil butun torasik organlar elle muayene edildi, ancak yabanci cisim bulunamadi. Ameliyat sirasinda yapilan transozofageal ekokardiyografisinde de herhangi bir yabanci cisim gorulmedi. Ameliyat sonlandirildi. Ameliyat gunu yapilan toraks bilgisayarli tomografi taramasinda sag akciger posterobazal segmentinde yabanci cisim saptandi. Ameliyat sonrasi besinci gun sag torakotomi ile ikinci ameliyat yapildi. Sag akcigerin posterobazal segmentinde palpe edilen yabanci cisim cikarildi. Anah tar soz cuk ler: Emboli; yabanci cisim migrasyonu; kalp. Penetrating nail injuries may occur accidentally and penetrating heart injuries by the nails are uncommon. Finding foreign bodies in the heart may be challenging during the operation due to the movement of the foreign body. A 34-year-old construction worker was brought to the emergency department with a history of accidental injury with a nail. A transthoracic echocardiogram showed pericardial effusion with tamponade. An urgent operation was performed via median sternotomy. The whole thoracic organs including the heart and the right lung was palpated, but no foreign body was able to be detected. Perioperative transesophageal echocardiography did not show any foreign body. The operation was finished. In the day of surgery a computed tomography scan of the thorax showed a foreign body in the right posterior basal segment of the lung. The second operation was performed via a right thoracotomy at the postoperative fifth day. Foreign body was palpated in the posterior basal segment of the right lung and it was removed.
Databáze: OpenAIRE