Nursing Staff Perception about Quality Improvement and Organizational Development

Autor: Karima Ahmed El-Sayed., Hala Kamal Sobky, Fawzia Farouk Kamel
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Journal of Nursing Science Benha University. 2:88-98
ISSN: 2735-5802
Popis: Background: The ability to use quality improvement activity in different situations ofhealthcare lead to organizational development. The study aimed to assess nursing staff perceptionabout quality improvement and organizational development. Design: a descriptive study wasutilized in this study. Setting: the study was conducted at all inpatient units and critical care units atKafr El Dawar General Hospital. Sample composed of 280 of nursing staff. Tools: two tools wereused for data collection; quality improvement questionnaire and organizational developmentquestionnaire. Results: The highest percentage of nursing staff perception was related to knowledgeregard quality improvement followed by attitude then knowledge regard quality improvement tool,and the least one was related to knowledge regard quality improvement methods. The highestpercentage of nursing staff perception regard organizational development was related toorganizational clarity and standards, followed by management and human resource while financialmanagement of organizational development was last one. Conclusion: There was a statisticallysignificant positive correlation between quality improvement and organization development.Recommendation: Encourage training courses, seminars and workshop for improving nurse'sknowledge about quality improvement and educate nursing staff how to use best practice whenselecting interventions for improving quality.
Databáze: OpenAIRE