Making Onlife Principles into Actionable Guidelines for Smart City Frameworks and #IoT Policies

Autor: Nenad Gligoric, Rob van Kranenburg, Alberto Serra, Christine Hennebert, Antonio F. Skarmeta, Nathalie Stembert, Michele Nati, Srdjan Krco, Colin Ő Reilly, Carmen López, Ignacio Elicegui Maestro
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Designing, Developing, and Facilitating Smart Cities ISBN: 9783319449227
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44924-1_3
Popis: The EU project SocIoTal research identified the following as main barriers to broad IoT adoption in ‘smart’ cities: (i) lack of understanding by SME’s and City Councils, (ii) lack of third-party trust providers and (iii) lack of involvement of end users in building use cases and developing new services. The project conceived the following measures to overcome them: meetups, to address the lack of understanding introducing research questions and listening to the local stakeholders, and co-creation workshops to involve citizens from the city of Novi Sad in Serbia together with researchers from University of Cantabria, Santander. These measures and solutions warrant an ethical framework to inform and educate decision-making regarding #IoT system architectural options, and the Onlife Manifesto and initiative of the European Commission might be relevant in this context.
Databáze: OpenAIRE