Discovery of isolated patches ofIcerya purchasi byRodolia cardinalis: A field study

Autor: Yugal K. Prasad
Rok vydání: 1990
Zdroj: Entomophaga. 35:421-429
ISSN: 1573-8248
Popis: The discovery of isolated patches of prey by the natural enemies of the cottony-cushion scaleIcerya purchasi Maskell was tested in the field on potted plants ofAcacia baileyana and citrus between November and February in South Australia. The survival of scales to adults in patches in the 4 fortnightly releases (cohort sets) was not significantly different between location-1 (under anAcacia tree harbouring scales and its natural enemies) and location-2 (about 500 m away from the nearest host plant of the scale). The temporal distribution of mortality in the scale cohorts was described by the Weibull model. The proportion of scales surviving at the 2 locations (on the 3rd & 6th fornight) was not significantly different suggesting that the total effect of all the mortality factors on the scales at the 2 locations was the same.
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