The Function and Pathways of Lymphocyte Recirculation

Autor: J.L. Gowans, H.W. Steer
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Ciba Foundation Symposium 71-Blood Cells and Vessel Walls: Functional Interactions
DOI: 10.1002/9780470720547.ch7
Popis: The early work on lymphocyte recirculation assumed that all recirculating lymphocytes composed a common pool and that the composition of this pool could be inferred from studies on thoracic duct lymph. These propositions are examined in the light of more recent evidence, particularly from experiments on the traffic of lymphocytes through the lamina propria of the small intestine. There has been little speculation on the functional significance of lymphocyte recirculation apart from the suggestion that it increases the efficiency of regional immune responses by allowing antigen-induced selection of precursors from pool larger than that accommodated by the regional nodes alone. In addition, the mounting of a local immunity is dependent on a peripheral recirculation through the tissues, notably in the case of the secretory immune system of the intestine.
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