MOESM1 of Ovarian dysfunction following prenatal exposure to an insecticide, chlordecone, associates with altered epigenetic features

Autor: Legoff, Louis, Ouzna Dali, D’Cruz, Shereen, Suglia, Antonio, Gely-Pernot, Aurore, Hémery, Chloé, Pierre-Yves Kernanec, Abbassia Demmouche, Kervarrec, Christine, Tevosian, Sergei, Multigner, Luc, Smagulova, Fatima
Popis: Additional file 1: Fig. S1. Gestational CD exposure increases H2Aub in embryonic ovaries. Fig. S2. Increased levels of H3K27me3 in meiotic cells following embryonic CD exposure. Fig. S3. Gestational exposure to CD leads to decrease in expression of developmental genes. Fig. S4. Gestational exposure to CD leads to decrease in expression of genes associated with signaling, transcription regulation and DNA repair in three-month-old ovaries. Fig. S5. Decrease in the levels of AMH in adult ovaries after gestational CD exposure. Fig. S6. Gestational exposure to CD leads to decrease in body and ovarian weights in 5-month-old animals. Fig. S7. CD induces increased H3K4me3 occupancy at ZBTB17 binding site. Table S1. H3K4me3 differential peaks identified in CD exposed ovaries. Table S2. Targets of ZFP57 identified by ChEA. Table S3. Targets of TRIM28 identified by ChEA. Table S4. Oligonucleotides used for RT-qPCR.
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