Circle Hough Transform on Real-Time Object Following Unmanned Surface Vessel

Autor: Eko Budi Utomo, Novian Fajar Satria, Achmad Ghozy Tajuddin
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: 2019 International Electronics Symposium (IES).
Popis: Indonesia as the largest archipelago in the world, is lacking in sophisticated naval army. USV short for unmanned surface vehicle could provide risk-free naval surveyor and firepower army. In this research we implement object following system on USV. Sensor for navigation is using a mono-camera to capture series of images in real-time, the image resolution used is low resolution image at 240p. The application of object detection using Circle Hough Transform is to navigate the ship based on distance and direction between the object and the USV. USV will moves based on information from captured object in the images. USV equipped with single brushless motor and rudder to accommodate USV’s maneuver. The speed control used is PID control, with object distance as feedback. In this research we conclude that the ASV is able to follow the object using visual information and speed controlled by PID. With Kp at 3, Ki at 0.3, and Kd at 2, USV could close the distance to reference in 11 seconds.
Databáze: OpenAIRE