Funeral Archaeology and Avar Culture: Old Excavations Yield Serial Data

Autor: Bailey K. Young
Rok vydání: 1978
Zdroj: Journal of Field Archaeology. 5:471-477
ISSN: 2042-4582
DOI: 10.1179/009346978791489547
Popis: Cemeteries of the Avar Period (567-829) in Hungaryedited by I. Kovrig. Vol. I: E. Garam, I. Kovrig, J. Gy. Szabo, Gy. Torok, Avar Finds in the Hungarian National Museum (Akademiai Kiado, Budapest 1975) 368 pp. with 152 Figures and 37 Plates. Vol. II: A. Kiss, Avar Cemeteries in County Baranya (Akademiai Kiado, Budapest 1977) 174 pp. with 71 Figures and 92 Plates. The volumes are published by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest V. Alkotmany utca 21, Budapest, Hungary, and distributed by Kultura, H-1389, Budapest, P.O.B. 149, Hungary.The Avars occupied the lands surrounding the Carpathian Basin (the old Roman province of Pannonia) from 567 A.C. until the early 9th century, but they are little known historically. To their literate Christian neighbors they figured only as dangerous enemies and Charlemagne destroyed them as such. Only within this century has their material culture been identified and archaeological research has set about trying to reconstruct their civilization. Hungarian schol...
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