Developmental regulation of D beta reading frame and junctional diversity in T cell receptor-beta transcripts from human thymus

Autor: J F George, H W Schroeder
Rok vydání: 1992
Zdroj: The Journal of Immunology. 148:1230-1239
ISSN: 1550-6606
Popis: During fetal life, both Ig and TCR-gamma delta repertoires are enriched for a specific set of Ag receptors with limited diversity. In order to test the hypothesis that diversification of the human TCR-beta repertoire also follows a developmental program, we examined TCR-beta DJ and VDJ transcripts from fetal and adult thymi. A consistent bias for D beta 1.1 and J beta 1.1 was present in DJ transcripts amplified from 8-wk gestation thymi. Although it is possible to splice and translate D beta 1.1 in all three reading frames, 8-wk gestation fetal DJ transcripts were enriched for D beta 1.1 spliced to J beta 1.1 in reading frame one. Preference for D beta 1.1 reading frame one and for use of J beta 1.1 dwindled with increasing gestational age. Reading frame bias was not affected by the insertion of non-germ-line-encoded nucleotides (N regions) or by the site of gene splicing. In contrast, choice of reading frame and use of J beta 1.1 appeared random in VDJ transcripts from the same 8-wk gestation and adult thymic samples. Among the occasional VDJ transcripts that contained D beta 1.1-J beta 1.1 rearrangements, use of D beta reading frame one was rare. Up to 75% of DJ and VDJ transcripts at 8-wk gestation lacked N regions. Both the percentage of DJ and VDJ transcripts with N regions and the average number of inserted nucleotides per transcript increased with gestational age. Primarily as a result of enhanced N region addition, both the length and sequence diversity of the VDJ junctions increased markedly from 8-wk gestation to adult life with a concomitant increase in the potential size of the TCR-alpha beta repertoire. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl-transferase (TdT), the enzyme associated with N region addition, has not been detected in thymus before 19 wk of gestation. However, we were able to amplify TdT mRNA from all fetal thymi examined. This suggests that TdT may be expressed as early as 8 wk gestation, although at low levels. The early fetal thymus appears enriched for a population of thymocytes that produce minimal quantities of TdT, express a special set of TCR-beta DJ transcripts, and generate a TCR-beta repertoire with limited diversity. These findings support the hypothesis that limitations in the diversity of the TCR repertoire imposed at the time of gene rearrangement contribute to the immaturity of the fetal immune response.
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