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Marilia huamantincoae Dumas & Nessimian 2009 (Figs 13, 24, 29) Marilia huamantincoae Dumas & Nessimian 2009, 345, Figs 9–16 [original description]; Dumas & Nessimian 2012, 21 [checklist]; Paprocki & França 2014, 66 [checklist]. Diagnosis: The larva of this species is similar to those of M. flexuosa and M. elongata Martynov 1912 by the dark color of the head and sclerites. However, the head of M. huamantincoae is quadrate, while those of M. flexuosa and M. elongata are round and rectangular, respectively. Also, the mesonotum of M. huamantincoae has a pair of undivided plates, with only a longitudinal suture between them, an uncommon characteristic in the genus, differentiating this species from those two. Final Instar Larva: Body length 8.5–11.0 mm (n = 3). Background color of sclerites brown and abdomen white in alcohol (Fig 24a). Head: In dorsal view, rectangular, brown with lighter spots on posterior region of genae; coronal suture short (Fig 24c); in ventral view with pair of scarcely discernible longitudinal lateral black lines defined laterally by longitudinal carinae, one remarkable keel on median region (indicated by the arrow), ventral apotome 4.7 times as long as broad, tapering to posterior apex and separating genae entirely (Fig 24d). Eyes rimmed by light areas (Fig 24e). Labrum nearly square with lateral margins parallel-sided in apical two-thirds, narrower posteriorly, with slightly convex apical margin broader than deeply concave basal margin; setae 1 and 2 robust, with row of smaller setae between them, with setae 3, 4, 5, 6 straight and less rigid thickness (Fig 24f). Mandibles shorth and robust, asymmetrical, with two tiny mesal teeth on left mandible, right mandible smooth mesally (Fig 24g). Thorax: Pronotum dark brown, with setae on anterolateral corners, anterior margin convex mesally and concave laterally. Mesonotum brown, pair of undivided mesonotal plates with dark transverse bands on posterior margins. Metanotum partially divided into 5 brown sclerites: Anteromesal pair of sclerites separated on midline anteriorly, with setae on anterior margin, and united posteriorly with transverse and setose posteromesal sclerite (fused sa 2 sclerites); lateral pair, with setae on anterior and lateral margins (Fig 24b). Legs brown. Abdomen: Abdominal gill formula as in Fig 13 Tergite IX subtriangular. Anal prolegs without teeth on external margins of claws. Pupa: Body length 9.1 mm (n = 1). Body brown in alcohol. Head: Mandibles long, more than three times as long as wide, distal portion narrowed, serrate on entire internal margin. Labrum subquadrate, with lateral angles rounded (Fig 24h). Thorax: Mesotarsi each with fringe of long setae. Abdomen: Segments III–VII each with pair of small oval anterior hook plates, each hook plate with one hook oriented posterad; segment V with pair of triangular posterior hook plates, each with one anterior and 2 posterior hooks oriented anterad (Fig 24i). Terminal processes long, slender, and slightly divergent from base (Fig 24j). Case: Length 13.5 mm (n = 1), composed of grains of coarse sand, slightly curved, relatively slender, gradually broader toward anterior end (Fig 24k). Bionomics: This species was found in rapid streams with widths of 1 to 8 m, depths of 0.15 to 2.0 m, in mountainous regions of the Atlantic Forest. Comments: It was also observed that pupae of emerged adults had no fine apical attenuated extensions on the mandibles, possibly broken as the case was opened. Distribution: BRAZIL: Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro (Fig 29). Material examined: BRAZIL, Divisa ES/ MG [border between Espírito Santo and Minas Gerais]: Caparaó, Cachoeira da Farofa, Cascalho, 20°28’19.5”S 41°49’41.7”W, 1972 m, 23.iv.2008, P.B. Silva leg., 9 larvae [alcohol] (INPA-TRI 000089); PARNA Caparaó, Rio São Domingos, Cachoeira da Farofa, Cascalho, 20°28’18.3”S 41°49’41.3”W, 1956 m, 26.iii.2009, P.B. Silva leg., 3 larvae [alcohol] (INPA-TRI 000090); Rio de Janeiro, Petrópolis: Corrêas, Bonfim, P.N. Serra dos Órgãos, Rio Bonfim, Poço das Duchas, 22°27’55.4”S 43°05’14.3”W, 1103 m, 05.xi.2010, L.L. Dumas, A.P.F. Pires leg., 1 male, 1 female [alcohol] (DZRJ); Teresópolis: PARNA Serra dos Órgãos, Rio Paquequer, 22°27’25”S 42°59’52”W, 18.xi.2011, D. Takiya, A.P.M. Santos leg., 4 males and their pupal exuviae (DZRJ–3786). |