Lujo Virus Hemorrhagic Fever

Autor: Janusz T. Paweska
Rok vydání: 2014
Popis: To date only five cases of Lujo hemorrhagic fever (LHF) have been recognized and laboratory confirmed following a highly fatal nosocomial outbreak in South Africa. The index case of this outbreak was airlifted from Zambia to South Africa in 2008 for medical treatment and subsequently served as a source of infection to four healthcare workers. The distribution or prevalence of Lujo virus (LUJV) in human and rodent populations in sub-Saharan Africa is unknown. Similarly, ecology, epidemiology, including host range, natural transmission cycle, distribution, and the mode of transmission from a reservoir host to humans remain a mystery. The history of the LHF outbreak is a serious warning that highly pathogenic arenaviruses could be more widely prevalent in Africa. It also evidences that international movement of patients might contribute to unintentional rapid spread of dangerous pathogens.
Databáze: OpenAIRE