Including loss minimisation in conservation representation: expansion of the protected area network in Colombia to maximise habitat retention

Autor: Pablo Negret, Ruben Venegas, Laura Sonter, Hugh Possingham, Martine Maron
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Most protected area (PA) planning aims to improve biota representation within the PA system, but this does not necessarily achieve the best outcomes for biota retention across regions when we also consider areas outside the PA system. Here we assess the implications that different PA expansion strategies can have on the retention of species habitat across an entire region. Using retention of forest habitat for Colombia’s 550 forest-dependent bird species as our outcome variable, we found that when a minimum of 30% of each species’ habitat was included in the PA system, a pattern of PA expansion targeting areas at highest deforestation risk (risk-prevention) led to the retention, on average, of 7.2% more forest habitat per species by 2050 than did a pattern that targeted areas at lowest risk (risk-avoidance). The risk-prevention approach cost more per km² of land conserved, but it was more cost-effective in retaining habitat (50 – 69% lower cost per km2 of avoided deforestation). To have the same effectiveness preventing habitat loss in Colombia, the risk-avoidance approach required 234% more area and 306% higher cost. PA expansion should focus on the contributions of PAs to outcomes not only within PA systems themselves, but across regions and jurisdictions.
Databáze: OpenAIRE