Autor: A. R. Verhun, M. K. Khobzey
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Медична освіта.
ISSN: 2414-5998
DOI: 10.11603/me.2414-5998.2016.3.6924
Popis: During 2015–2016 in Danylo Halytskyі LvivNational Medical University there was implemented a number of measures against academic plagiarism. At the faculties, theoretical and clinical departments persons accountable for verification of the advanced studies with the use of the electronical academic plagiarism examination and detection software systems become (from a number the workers of university: regular teachers, associate professors, professors) firmly were established. Teachers, postgraduate students, aspirants can not be appointed such persons. The recommended software is securing-defined, determined, renovates and updated a research scientific department. Valuable current verification is entered by the workers of scientific department of publications and dissertation works for the purpose the exposure of academic plagiarism by the programs «Etxt Antiplagiat», «AntiPlagiarism.NET», «AdvegoPlagiatus». 429 scientific works for period from 01.09.2015 – 01.09.2016: 208 articles in professional scientific publications were examined; 99 theses of lectures; 66 dissertation works and abstracts of thesis; 14 scientific reports; 22 methodical recommendations and methodical pointing; 11 textbooks and train aid, 9 monographs. The system of prevention and exposure of academic plagiarism spreads to scientific and educational works of scientifically-pedagogical, scientific and other workers of university, graduate students and postgraduate students; persons fastened on an university with the aim of receipt of scientific degree of Ph.D. (candidate of sciences) and postgraduate students. An exposure in the dissertation (to the scientific lecture) of academic plagiarism given to defence is founding for a refuse in awarding of corresponding scientific degree.
Databáze: OpenAIRE