Effects of ELF Exposure on Murine Immune System

Autor: C. Goso, Paolo Galloni, Carmela Marino, Daniela Frasca, Paola Barattini, Daniele De Grandis
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine ISBN: 9781461372080
Popis: In the last few years, a great interest has accompained the studies on the effects of extremely low frequencies (ELF) fields on cells of different biological systems. In the present paper, the effects of the magnetic field (MF) exposure on cells of the immune system were investigated in an in vivo experimental model. Results have indicated an effect of the exposure on both cellularities and functions of cells from central and peripheral lymphoid tissues, as these parameters were reduced in mice exposed to an ELF field as compared to unexposed animals.
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