The nearest MPSS pattern in data envelopment analysis

Autor: Alireza Davoodi, Masoud Zarepisheh, H. Zhiani Rezai
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Annals of Operations Research. 226:163-176
ISSN: 1572-9338
DOI: 10.1007/s10479-014-1670-y
Popis: The concept of Returns to scale is an important topic in data envelopment analysis since it identifies whether the expansion or contraction of the unit under assessment is beneficial. The quantity of the beneficial expansion or contraction is determined by introducing a most productive scale size (MPSS) pattern. This paper aims at introducing a notion of the nearest MPSS pattern which is the closest MPSS pattern among the others. By the aid of this pattern, a unit would be able to reach its optimal size more easily and by small changes in its inputs and outputs. Finding such a pattern is investigated through BCC and multiplicative models.
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