Youtube as the Learning Media to Improve the Speaking Skill in Expression Orale Course

Autor: Hesti Fibriasari, Nurilam Harianja
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Asian Themes in Social Sciences Research. 3:14-17
ISSN: 2578-5516
DOI: 10.33094/journal.139.2019.31.14.17
Popis: This research aims to improve the speaking skill for the students who take the oral expression course. The objects of this research are the students in the French department, especially who take the expression oral course 3. It is found that the previous class couldn’t improve the speaking skill of the students very well. Most of the students were not very interested in the learning process. From the questionnaire given, it is found that they were bored because nothing was interesting and exciting in the class. The media they used was only a book from the lecturer. So, the making learning media of expression Orale by using YouTube aims to help learners to understand French with the local cultural situation. Making learning media of speaking using YouTube based on local culture is very important to improve the learning abilities of French. This video will also be handy for French tourists who visit Indonesia, especially Medan because this video will present the real situation in Medan. The research method uses Research and Development which is carried out in the French Language Education Study Program. The results of this research show that the students are enthusiastic in the learning process, their ability in speaking is also improving, and the media supports the learning process very good.
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