Detection of human papillomavirus in vulva cancer tissue

Autor: Tatyana A. Zykova, Konstantin Vladimirovich Dvadnenko, Natalya V Ohremenko, Ekaterina Alekseevna Nerodo, Anna V. Antonets, Galina Andreevna Nerodo
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Journal of Clinical Oncology. 31:e16514-e16514
ISSN: 1527-7755
Popis: e16514 Background: Human Papillomavirus (HPV) status of the patients with vulva cancer was investigated retrospectively. Methods: We detected HPV of high cancerogenic risk (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 45, 51, 52, 58, 59 types) in archival paraffin-embedded vulva cancer tissue of 58 patients aged from 26 to 82 years with I-IV grades. The extraction of DNA was performed with classical phenol-chloroform laboratory technic for further real-time PCR analysis (with HPV screening and HPV genotype kits of Amplisens). Results: HPV DNA was found out in 12 patients (20.6%). Among these patients 8 from 10 women (80%) belong to the group of reproductive age (26-50 years) whilst 4 from 48 (8.33%) were seniors. HPV of 16 type presented in 50%, HPV of 16 and 18 types – in 50% of all HPV positive patients of reproductive age. Among elderly patients 50 % had HPV of 16 type, 50 % - 16 and 31 types. Conclusions: Our investigations confirm the existence of two pathogenic variants of vulva cancer. For young age group there are up to 80% of HPV positive patients. The second elderly group (50-82 years) is not related with infection, there are only 8% of HPV positive patients.
Databáze: OpenAIRE