Ultrastructural observations onTemnocephala minor(Platyhelminthes, Temnocephaloidea), including notes on endocytosis

Autor: Joan Bowman Williams
Rok vydání: 1994
Zdroj: New Zealand Journal of Zoology. 21:195-208
ISSN: 1175-8821
DOI: 10.1080/03014223.1994.9517986
Popis: Ultrastructural characteristics of the epidermis, rhabditogenic cells, intestinal epithelium, and protonephridial system of Temnocephala minor are described. The epidermis has non‐locomotory cilia, with strongly developed, cross‐striated rootlets embedded in the epidermal syncytium. The rhabdite‐synthesising cells, in contrast with those of other temnocephalids, are not deeply invaginated by parenchymal cell processes. The intestinal epithelium is cellular, unciliated, and without microvilli; it is bordered by narrow lamellae, which fuse together to form pinocytotic vesicles enclosing nutrient droplets and particles from the lumen. Associated lysosomes contain myelin figures, dense bodies, and filamentous debris. Digestion probably proceeds by a combination of intraluminar and intracellular processes. Protonephridia are of the rhabdocoel turbellarian type. Bacteria in the cavities of the main excretory vessels are endocytosed intact by the tubule cells, and the sequestered micro‐organisms show ev...
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