Wall pressure and thrust of a dual bell nozzle in a cold gas facility

Autor: J.-M. Luyssen, P. Kuszla, S. Palerm, D. Coponet, J.-C. Robinet, J. Oswald, V. Bar, F. Amouroux, P. Reijasse
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Progress in Propulsion Physics.
DOI: 10.1051/eucass/201102655
Popis: A dual-bell nozzle has been tested in the ONERA-R2Ch wind tunnel within the CNES PERSEUS program. The wall pressure distributions and the thrust for the two §ow regimes have been characterized in the nozzle pressure ratio (NPR) range from 51 up to 597. A hysteresis on the transition NPR between the two §ow regimes has been observed according to the evolution of NPR. The duration for the switch between the two §ow regimes is less than 10 ms. The hysteresis of about 20%
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