Indian Ocean Dynamic Sea Level, Variability And Projections In CMIP6 Models

Autor: Abhisek Chatterjee, Sajidh C K
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: The regional sea level variability and its projection amidst the global sea level rise is one of the major concerns for coastal communities. The dynamic sea level plays a major role in the observed spatial deviations in regional sea level rise from the global mean. The present study evaluates 27 climate model simulations from the sixth phase of the coupled model intercomparison project (CMIP6) for their representation of the historical mean states, variability and future projections for the Indian Ocean. Most models reproduce the observed mean state of the dynamic sea level realistically, however consistent positive bias is evident across the latitudinal range of the Indian Ocean. The strongest sea level bias is seen along the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) regime owing to the stronger than observed south Indian Ocean westerlies and its equatorward bias. Further, this equatorward shift of the wind field resulted in stronger positive windstress curl across the southeasterly trade winds in the southern tropical basin and easterly wind bias along the equatorial waveguide. These anomalous easterly equatorial winds cause upwelling in the eastern part of the basin and keeps the thermocline shallower in the model than observed, resulted in enhanced variability for the dipole zonal mode or Indian Ocean dipole in the tropics. In the north Indian Ocean, the summer monsoon winds are weak in the model causing weaker upwelling and positive sea level bias along the western Arabian Sea. The high-resolution models compare better in simulating the sea level variability, particularly in the eddy dominated regions like the ACC regime in interannual timescale. However, these improved variabilities do not necessarily produce a better mean state likely due to the enhanced mixing driven by parametrizations set in these high-resolution models. Finally, the overall pattern of the projected dynamic sea level rise is found to be similar for the mid (SSP2-4.5) and high-end (SSP5-8.5) scenarios, except that the magnitude is higher under the high emission situation. Notably, the projected dynamic sea level change is found to be milder when only the best performing models are used compared to the full ensemble.
Databáze: OpenAIRE