Autor: Aidos Doskaliyev
Rok vydání: 2023
ISSN: 2410-938X
Popis: bstract Purpose. Our research explores the effect of the use of PRP therapy in accelerated recovery and wound healing after hemorrhoidectomy. Material and methods. A study based on the results of the treatment of patients with chronic hemorrhoids who were treated from January 2021 to January 2022 was conducted based on the surgical department of the RDC and MIPO Clinics LLP. The study included 100 patients aged 21 to 72 years with chronic hemorrhoids of stage II and III, in the treatment of which the method of hemorrhoidectomy with PRP therapy (main group) and open hemorrhoidectomy (control group) was used. In the analysis of clinical efficacy, the severity and duration of pain syndrome, manifestations of complications in the early postoperative period, cytomorphological analysis of fingerprint smears, the number of bed days spent, and the period of recovery were used. An analysis of the assessment of the quality of life of patients after surgery in the long-term period was also carried out. Results. The intensity of pain severity was estimated at an average of 3±0.2 points in the main group and 6.1±0.3 points in the control comparison group. The duration of pain continuation after surgery averaged 3.1±0.2 days in the main group and 4.4± 0.2 days in the control comparison group. The development of early postoperative complications in the main group – in 6 (12%), in the control group were diagnosed in 14 (28%) cases. When assessing the dynamics ofthe wound process according to the cytological picture, it was noted that the neutrophil reaction was more pronounced in the control group. In the main group, epithelization elements appeared faster (from the 10th day - in 35%). The average epithelialization time was 31.1±2.2 days in the control group compared to 20.3±3.9 days in the main group. In the main group, by day 15, 31 (62%) patients and by day 25, 50 (100.0%) all patients returned to work. In the control group, 32 (64%) patients started working by day 30 and 100% by day 40. Conclusion. Taking into account the results of the study, the use of an integrated approach with the use of PRP therapy in the treatment of chronic hemorrhoids is recommended. It is shown that the use of the proposed patented treatment regimen leads to a decrease in postoperative pain syndrome, accelerated wound healing, and a decrease in the number of complications.
Databáze: OpenAIRE