sj-pdf-1-jhs-10.1177_17531934231160100 - Supplemental material for Three-dimensional carpal alignment: computer-aided CT analysis of carpal axes and normal ranges

Autor: Höglund, Theresa E. K., Sippo, Robert M. J., Waris, Eero
Rok vydání: 2023
ISSN: 1753-1934
DOI: 10.25384/sage.22293849
Popis: Supplemental material, sj-pdf-1-jhs-10.1177_17531934231160100 for Three-dimensional carpal alignment: computer-aided CT analysis of carpal axes and normal ranges by Theresa E. K. Höglund, Robert M. J. Sippo, Eero Waris in Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume)
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