Diagnostic Performance of Plasma Gastrin Concentration for the Diagnosis of Type 1 Abomasal Ulcer in Water Buffalo: A Preliminary Case Control Study

Autor: Naresh Kumar Sood, Sanjeev Kumar Uppal, Syed Ashaq Hussain
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: The type 1 abomasal ulcer (AU1) does not have specific clinical signs, and there is a need to identify some early biochemical markers for diagnosis of AU1 in cattle and buffaloes. Plasma gastrin is reported to reflect the gastric mucosa damage but its utility for diagnosis of AU1 in buffaloes has not been evaluated. The objective of this study was to study the test performance of plasma gastrin to distinguish healthy buffaloes and buffaloes with AU1. Twenty-three buffaloes with AU1 and six buffaloes without abomasal ulcer were used. Blood samples were collected from the buffaloes, slaughtered in a buffalo specific slaughter house, for estimation of plasma gastrin. After slaughter abomasa were examined for presence of AU1 and were confirmed by histology. The mean plasma gastrin concentration of ulcer positive buffaloes was significantly (p
Databáze: OpenAIRE