Effect of Stator Clocking on the 3D Aeroelastic Characteristics of Compressor Rotor Blades

Autor: L. V. Kolodyazhnaya, V. Gnesin, Romuald Rza˛dkowski
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Volume 5: Structures and Dynamics, Parts A and B.
DOI: 10.1115/gt2008-50767
Popis: Presented here are numerical calculations of the 3D transonic flow of an ideal gas through a three-row compressor stage including the clocking effects. The approach is based on the solution of the coupled aerodynamic-structure problem for the 3D flow through the turbine stage in which fluid and dynamic equations are integrated simultaneously in time, thus providing the correct formulation of a coupled problem, as the blades’ oscillations and loads acting on the blades are a part of the solution. An ideal gas flow through the mutually moving stators and rotor blades with periodicity on the entire annulus is described using unsteady Euler conservation equations, integrated using the Godunov-Kolgan explicit monotonous finite-volume difference scheme and a moving hybrid H-H grid. The structure analysis uses the modal approach and a 3D finite element model of a blade. The blade motion is assumed to be constituted as a linear combination of the first natural modes of blade oscillations with the modal coefficients depending on time. A calculation has been performed for the compressor stage with 0.106 m long rotor blades. The aeroelastic characteristics are obtained for different positions of the upstream stator.Copyright © 2008 by ASME
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