Temperature stresses in a heat-sensitive ceramic plate

Autor: R. V. Gladysh, I. E. Kainskii, N. I. Kalynyak, V. A. Volos
Rok vydání: 1990
Zdroj: Strength of Materials. 22:1503-1511
ISSN: 1573-9325
Popis: The quasistatic thermoelastic state of a rectangular ceramic plate freely supported around the perimeter is discussed. The problem is reduced to the solution of a system of nonlinear inhomogeneous integrodifferential equations consisting of a nonlinear differential heat-conduction equation with allowance for the temperature dependence of the thermophysical characteristics of the material and an integrobiharmonic equation characterizing the plate's deflection. The expression for the components of the temperature stresses caused by a nonlinear temperature field are derived in the form of ternary series. The thermoelastic state is calculated for a rectangular backing-type plate produced from the commercial ceramic VK 94-1.
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