Tachysphex nitidior de Beaumont 1940

Autor: Abu El-Ghiet, Usama M., Gadallah, Neveen S., Gasib, Abdulmajeed M., Al-Fifi, Zarrag I. A., Edmardash, Yusuf A.
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8182359
Popis: Tachysphex nitidior de Beaumont, 1940 Fig. 15A–I Tachysphex nitidior de Beaumont, 1940: 175, ♀, ♁. Diagnosis. Body length: 6.5 mm. Male: Body wholly black (including antennae and legs) (Fig. 15A, B); mandible yellowish red mesally in most specimens (Fig. 15D); scutal and mesopleural sutures well-defined; fore femur with relatively large, glabrous and shiny notch (Fig. 15I); T 1–3 silvery fasciate posteriorly (Fig. 15G); gastral sterna with well-defined punctures. Material examined: 1♁, Farasan, Abdulmajeed farm [16 Q 42.07970’N; 42 Q 08.5781’E], 23–30.ix.2022. Distribution: Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Croatia, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Iran, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Libya, Malta, Mongolia, Morocco, Portugal, Russia, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan (Pulawski 2022), Saudi Arabia (new record). Comments. The characters of our male specimen agree well with de Beaumont’s key (1940: 162, couplet 30). It also agrees with Pulawski’s recognition (2007: 442).
Databáze: OpenAIRE