Analysis of Dissolved BTEX and PAHs in Seawater Following an Oil Spill: Development of Sensitive, Operational Methods for Rapid Diagnosis

Autor: Julien Guyomarch, Sophie Van Ganse, Rami Kanan, Anne-Laure Balcon
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: International Oil Spill Conference Proceedings. 2011:abs164
ISSN: 2169-3358
Popis: The latest oil spills which have occurred in recent years have shown an increasing demand for detailed assessments of the chemical contamination induced in the water column. Even at low concentrations, hydrocarbons are known to generate impacts, and sanitary questions can be raised. Moreover, non-contaminated and contaminated areas must be distinguished; hence the necessity for developing tools sensitive enough to obtain reliable information on baseline levels. In this context, Cedre has developed different analytical methods which can be partially performed on-site, and which can provide results within a few days, even in the case of pollution far from the laboratory. On the one hand, the SBSE (Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction) technique, performed on-site and coupled with subsequent GC/MS analysis in the laboratory, can be used to quantify PAHs at low levels, around nanogram per liter (ng/L). This paper discusses the possibility of adapting this technique to develop a more operational tool. The lab...
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