Teleoperation of Mobile Robot by Walking Motion Using Saddle Type Device

Autor: Masamichi Sakaguchi, Shunsuke Kume
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: HCI International 2021-Posters ISBN: 9783030786410
HCI (38)
Popis: Recently, Virtual Reality (VR) which is one of the new Information Technology (IT) constantly keeps making progress. In the VR, there is a concept called “telexistence” [1]. Telexistence is the concept having a meaning of human existence extension that the operator practically exists at the place which is different from the place they are [1]. In the case of telexistence, when the operator handles robot as an avatar robot, we can say that operability is an important viewpoint. In this study, we focused on walking motion as a way of teleoperating robot intuitively. It is clear that walking motion is so fundamental that we experience regularly and it is inherent movement. Besides, we used saddle type device as a locomotion interface which offered safe and stable walking. To propose a method for walking by using saddle type device, we measured the moving loci of the robot and the operator’s foot. The result showed that we could get the robot to move forward continuously by using saddle type device.
Databáze: OpenAIRE