Using Tactical Flight Level Allocation to Alleviate Airspace Corridor Congestion

Autor: John-Paul Clarke, Antonio M. Abad
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: AIAA 4th Aviation Technology, Integration and Operations (ATIO) Forum.
DOI: 10.2514/6.2004-6456
Popis: A novel methodology for allocating aircraft among En Route flight levels is introduced in this paper as a means to mitigate air traffic congestion and airline operating costs in airspace corridors. The methodology is represented mathematically as a Mixed Integer Linear Program (MILP) and is used to reroute aircraft in a real-time simulation of traffic in the Northeast Corridor. Cumulative delay reduction and cumulative fuel burn savings are the two primary objectives used in the MILP. An objective comprised from a combination of these two primary objectives is also explored in order to establish the trade-off between minimizing the delay and performance costs. This trade-off represents the maximum cumulative operating cost savings that can be achieved. Results indicate that an average delay reduction of 8.5 minutes per aircraft can be achieved when minimizing cumulative traffic delay. In addition, an average fuel burn rate reduction of 16.47 kg/min per aircraft can be achieved when minimizing cumulative traffic fuel burn. These results translate into cost savings of $15,000 and $135.00 per aircraft, respectively. Finally, an average cost savings of $5,552.98 per aircraft can be achieved when minimizing overall airline operating costs and establishes the trade-off point between delay and performance cost savings.
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